
How to Stop Windows 10 Apps From Launching at Startup

How to Stop Windows 10 Apps From Launching at Startup
One of the most frustrating aspects of Windows is the ease with which applications can start up automatically when you turn on your PC, whether you need them to or not. Software programs such as Adobe Acrobat, iTunes, iCloud, and Spotify set themselves up to load as soon as you log into Windows.
Why is that a problem? Startup apps unnecessarily chew up memory and resources, potentially hampering your PC's performance. The more programs that launch at startup, the greater your PC is affected. There are certain types of programs that you do want to start automatically, such as antivirus and webcam software. However, many apps muscle their way into your startup routine with little or no reason.
Don't worry. You can fight back. Windows has long offered a way for you to view and disable your startup programs. In older versions of Windows, you’d open the System Configuration tool (msconfig) where you could see and deselect any programs you wanted to stop loading automatically. That option is no longer available in Windows 10. Instead, you can check out your startup programs in a couple of other ways.
You can go through the Settings screen, where you can see each app, its current status, and the effect if you opt to disable it from starting up automatically. Another option is to go through Task Manager, where you can scour the list of startup programs, research each specific program on the web to learn what it does, and then disable any apps you feel don't need to launch at startup.
If you have to run a program that gets kicked out of the startup process, you can still launch it manually from its Start menu or Start screen shortcut. Let's see how the process works and how you can nix certain startup apps.
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  • Disable Startup Apps in Windows Settings

    Let’s check out the Settings option first. In Windows 10, open Settings > Apps > Startup. Here, you can see a list of all the apps that can start up automatically. The switch indicates a status of On or Off to tell you whether or not that app is currently in your startup routine.

    Below the switch is an indicator for impact. An app can be tagged with one of four different impact indicators: No impact, Low impact, Medium impact, and High impact. These indicators measure the impact a startup program has on your PC’s CPU and disk drive at startup. The higher the impact indicator, the longer a program takes to load, thereby increasing the time it takes for Windows to completely start.

    In reviewing which apps to kick out of your startup routine, you should first look at the ones that are rated as High impact, since disabling those will have the greatest effect on speeding up your system at startup. Disabling apps with a Medium impact may also help boost your Windows load time. Disabling those rated at Low impact or No impact will have little or no effect on your startup time. However, even programs with low or no impact still chew up a slice of memory by loading automatically, so disabling these can free up RAM.

    You can sort the list of apps a few different ways. Click the option for Name next to Sort by. Beyond viewing the apps by name, you can sort the list by Status or Startup impact. To disable an app, simply turn off its switch.
  • Disable Startup Apps in Task Manager

    Reviewing your startup apps through Task Manager offers an advantage in that you can more easily research each one to better gauge whether or not to disable it. Right-click on any empty area of the Taskbar in Windows 10. From the pop-up menu, click on the command for Task Manager.

    In the Task Manager window, click the tab for Startup. You'll see a list of all the apps that start up automatically each time Windows loads. Some of the programs you may recognize; others may be unfamiliar.

    The challenge here is to hunt down the ones that don't need to launch at startup while not disturbing the ones that do.
  • Check Apps for Startup Impact

    First, you can sort the list a few different ways via the headings at the top. By default, the list should be sorted by name, but you can also tap the headings to sort by software publisher, startup status, and startup impact.

    Scroll down the list to see which apps are enabled or disabled and to check the impact of disabling an app that is starting up automatically. In addition to the indicators of None, Low, Medium, and High, an app could be tagged as Not measured, which means the startup impact has not yet been analyzed or recorded.

    The process is the same whether you’re viewing startup apps through the Settings screen or through Task Manager. Look for apps measured as High or Medium impact and consider disabling them if you feel you don’t need them to start up automatically. But even disabling Low or No impact apps can help free up memory.
  • Learn More About an App

    If you can’t identify a specific app by its name or publisher, right-click on it and select the entry for Properties. This opens the File Properties window that might reveal more details about it.
  • Research a Potential Culprit

    If you’re unsure whether or not you should disable a certain app from launching at startup, right-click on it and select the entry to Search online. Windows runs a Microsoft Bing search in your web browser for that particular program.

    Look through the search results to track down information and advice on whether or not the program should be barred from startup. The ultimate goal is to use the Startup Impact status combined with the information you find via the web searches to choose the right apps to disable.
  • Disable Startup Apps

    Should you decide you want to kick an app out of the startup sequence using Task Manager, right-click on it and select the entry for Disable. Your safest bet is to disable one app at a time, restart your PC, and then make sure you and Windows can live without the program running at startup.

    If you bump into any problems with a program you've disabled, you can always return to the Settings screen or to Task Manager and welcome it back into your startup routine.
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